Saturday, January 8, 2011

I just need to vent....

Ugh...frustrated, irritated, upset, that's just some of my words to describe my day!

Well maybe not the whole day, but my afternoon. Today started off great, Chad got up with the kids while I slept in (my needed after the busy last few days), we relaxed for a bit, then went to the mall. We got a bite to eat for lunch, then Maddy and I headed to get my haircut, while Chad and Tanner went to US Cellular to see what they could do about his phone. After my haircut, Chad and T came back to the mall to get us, then we headed back to get his new cell phone. Then we headed to his mom's, he helped her move her stove, then we left the kids there and went to the grocery store.

That's where things went downhill. We were doing our shopping and they came over the speaker and asked for the owner of the car with a license plate to come to customer service. I told Chad I thought that the plate that they said sounded like our plate number, but I couldn't remember what mine was exactly. So he went to check while I continued our shopping. He came back and I was up towards the front of the store and he motioned for me to come, so I did, that's when he told me someone hit my van and left. I was upset that someone would take off after damaging my car. There were some people at the desk that had seen it all and got the plate of the other driver, thank goodness there are some people who are willing to help others out! We called the police, Chad stayed and waited for them to get there, while I finished our shopping. When I was done, the cop was just getting there, so we went outside and Chad went to talk to the officer, while I loaded the groceries into the car. There were 2 other ladies that had seen the accident and they told the officer what they had seen and gave them a description of the car, and he ran the plates and the number and description matched, but the officer said they lady had 2 different address listed. They broke out my driver's side taillight and left a small scratch on the side panel. The officer was going to go by the address that was listed in town and see if the other car was there and if so, check and see if she has insurance. I hope so! I don't feel like paying for damage to my vehicle that I didn't cause! She won't get a ticket since we were on private property, but the least they could do, is pay for my car. Sorry I just had to rant. I guess today made me realize that I take for granted how trusting I am of other people. I'm hoping we get a new police report with her insurance information, but I am not going to hold my breath.

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