Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a week

I have to start by saying I have a great hubby, he really stepped up this week when I needed him the most! I have been fighting a sinus infection for over a month, I feel bad for a few days, then I start to feel better...then it seems to hit again. Tuesday morning I woke up with a headache....not a great way to start the day, by Tuesday evening it hurt so bad above my right eye I wouldn't keep my eyes open. Maddy has swimming lessons on Tuesday nights, so luckily Chad took her, T & I hung out at home. I didn't get much sleep that night, either did Chad. He called the on-call doctor around 11, to see what I could take to make me feel better. I was told to take some Suddafed, and call back in an hr if it didn't help, then they would want to see me. I ended up sleeping for a few hrs, but by 5, it was hurting again, Chad was threatening to take me to the ER, but I wanted to wait for the doctors office to open. Chad ended up staying home from work to take care of me and help with the kids. I called all the daycare parents and told them that I was taking the day off. I think I slept till it was time for my doctors appointment. Rose came over to stay with the kids, & off to the doctor we went. They ended up putting me on an antibiotic, and told me if I wasn't feeling any better in the next few days they would want me on a steroid also. But I'm happy to say I'm starting to feel much better! Now I have to get caught up on housework and laundry! I'm also hoping to get Chad to start working on Mads room....9 more weeks till we get to meet our baby boy!!!! I go back to the doctor next week for my 32 wk appointment, I hope to update then, but no promises there, next week is going to be a CRAZY busy week for the Kleins!

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