Friday, December 19, 2008

what a week

What a week we have had, where do I start?? After Sundays van problems I didn't think the week could get worse, but I think or rather know that it did. Monday morning Madison woke up and she had a stomach bug, she kept mommy up for a few hours, so took the day off from work. When she woke up after sleeping for a few hours she kept telling me that her ear had something in it, so my friend took the kids and I to drop off the van keys to the tow truck drivers (the van had to be towed to Shottenkirk on Ft. Madison), and off to the ear doctor we went. Her tube is not connected, but she has a ear infection. We have to do ear drops 2 times a day and she goes back to the doctor on Christmas Eve to get the tube out. Tuesday I got my van back, the brake line was frozen, then it snowed. Wednesday Tanner woke up at 6 and he had a stomach bug. So mommy called all the parents and I stayed home with him, but that was a good thing, because my stomach started hurting. Tanner was acting better by the afternoon, but when Chad got home from work, I went to bed, & he was in charge of the kiddos. Thursday everyone was feeling better, and I decided that I was not giving Tanner his bottle back. I didn't give him one when he was sick, & he loves his sippy cups, so far he has gone 3 days without one. Thursday night we got the ice storm, and we hung out as a family. Today I had the day off again, a few kids went to Grandmas and some stayed home, the kids and I stayed in our jammies all day. I don't blame anyone for not getting out in the ice, I sure didn't want to. Chad is now saying that he doesn't feel well, some guys at work have been sick and he is working outside in this nasty weather. Hopefully tomorrows weather is ok, I still have a little shopping to do, and we have the Klein family Christmas tomorrow night. Hope next week everyone in the Klein family is over being sick, we are gonna have a BUSY week. We are having a Christmas party and gift exchange Monday with the daycare kids, and I can't wait. I will have at least 10 kids here and maybe my little sister and brother, and I have 40 sugar cookies for them to decorate, itwill be lots of fun. Hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas!!

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